Liberation of colour
Image taken with 5x4 film. Materials used to create the props: mount board, glue, textured ground, blue pastels, metallic paints, acrylic paints, blue silk taffeta, pink silk taffeta
This image is part of a body of work where I set out to make work that is as colourful as it can be, here attempting to put form to some of Winifred Nicholson writings on colour published in the Liberation of Colour. Creating props directly from Nicholson's writings, separate groups of props inhabit a single set and perform a series of practical interpretations. I was drawn to the mix of poetic and possibly pseudo scientific ideas within the writings and wanted to see how these might play out visually.
“A large blue square is bluer than a small blue square. A blue pentagon is a different blue from a triangle of the same blue.”